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Android Social Networking Apps Development

Our android developers are experienced in testing the applications to provide you android social networking apps without any bugs and error. Our android programmers have good communications skills we assure you there will no problem for you to explain the requirement for your particular social networking application. With our service of hire dedicate android programmer you will be having single point of contact directly with our android programmer.

These days, social networking applications are progressively ramming the growth of the mobile internet audience. You will probably want to use your Android phone to keep your LinkedIn profile and Facebook status updated, chat with other users and send tweets on Twitter. Android developers have already created apps that help you do exactly that. There are millions of apps already exhibiting in the Android market and thousands of fresh apps are being added each month but it is a bit difficult to choose best ones from those for your Android mobile handset.

Silicon Valley has the expert team of Android programmers which makes sure to provide you custom Android Application Development being a one of the best Android web development company. We help you by creating custom applications which exceed your client’s expectations. Android application developers / programmers have extensive knowledge of developing custom social networking applications by using Android software development kit. Our Android application programmers have vast knowledge of developing android social networking applications, no matters whether it is small detached app or an application for a large solution incorporate in the backend system.

Here are some of the best Android social networking apps for your Android device to keep your status updated and to send and read the latest tweets on Twitter and many more.

Digg Droid turns up great on the Android smart-phone. The application allows you to participate on Digg through the digging and burying of stories and comments, while admitting you to flip back and forth between viewing story pages and comments.

Facebook for Android

Facebook for Android makes it easy to stay linked up and share information with friends. It comes pre-installed with numerous devices and you can install it yourself if you don’t have it. It has all the primary features one could need and is kept up by the developer. The app is basically a flow of information from your News Feed. You can share status updates from your home screen, check out your news feed, view your friends’ walls and user info, upload photos and share links.

Flickr Droid

BettrFlickr posts pictures taken by the Android to Flickr very easily. Since BettrFlickr was designed precisely from the Flickr site it integrates features like automatically adding Flickr tags on upload.


MySpace app for Android devices gives an optimized MySpace experience for your phone and permits you to access MySpace anytime anyplace. The app is essentially a simplified edition of the website. You can send and receive messages, view comments, check your profile, update your status, read and post blogs, browse photo albums and see friend requests. It is compatible with Shazam to tag a song letting owners to hold it up, recognize a song and put forward details right away. It has an exclusive Android feature of friending bands, fuller band profiles, artist tour dates and more.


Android’s built in IM client supports a lot of IM services except new chats like Facebook chat or Skype. Nimbuzz released a client for Android that supports Facebook and Skype as well as Live Messenger, Yahoo Instant Messenger, AOL IM, ICQ, Google Talk, My Space, Study VZm SchuelerVZ, Gadu Gadu, Hyves, Jabber and Giovani. The app buzzes by default when a new chat line comes in, and alerts you in the notification bar. Nimbuzz can place voice calls and send photos, video, audio, and other files to a recipient. You can also see who's online, status messages, avatars and get notifications when you are background running.

Twitter for Android

The official Twitter for Android application allows the user to share his current state and check out the latest news as well as watching over his friend’s status. Other features include live mapping, photo sharing, video posting, sending message and sharing links. Realtime search, trending topics and maps show whats happening now everywhere and nearby. You can quickly access your timeline with the home screen widget, view a tweet location on a map, and see your friend’s latest tweet in your phonebook, GoogleTalk list or any application that uses Android’s QuickContact bar. The UI of the app will be instantly familiar to Twitter users. Here you can tweet, retweet, view lists, your profile and what messages and mentions you have. You can flip through your contacts and see who has updated their Twitter accounts.

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