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What is Android

Today, it is evident that Android is the best platform for developing applications for a number of reasons. This is mainly because it is an Open Source development and uses for Java development, which is quite an easy language to get used to and develop in. What makes Android applications development easy and fast is the tools that are available for developers. These tools will not only make development speedy and efficient, but also looking good along the way.

Android is one of the best smart phones which is an open source operating system based upon Linux and it has JAVA library (similar to SE). Here we can say that Google owns Android. Android application development can be facilitating on any platform such as Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X with the help of Android developers. Android also supports 2D and 3D graphic animations to store data by using open GL and it use SQL Lite database.

A recommended tool is Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers and it is amazing for other types of development as well. Another great tool is the Android SDK that allows you to hook the SDK into eclipse to reference its API and design an efficient functioning program. Finally, a tool known as DroidDraw can be very useful. This is basically a GUI for designing the interface side of things so that you don’t have to blindly hack your way through the Android SDK and Java jungle. Eclipse is fairly straightforward to setup and start using the Android SDK; you just have to download a package to include the SDK to Eclipses referenced files.

Silicon Valley handles outsource work with the strength of 100+ developers and designers. We are specializes in Android Application Development and Android Game Development. We have team of professional Android programmers who has the experience in Android Application Development and always to keen to work on new concepts with the latest technologies. Our Android programmers can execute any project on time with quality assurance and on budget. Silicon Valley offers the offshore Android development service at very affordable rates.

Silicon Valley entertain the outsource work which offers the service of Mobile Application Development for Android Development. Our Mobile Application Developers has the vast experience in Mobile Application Development using android frame work and java language. We have creative mobile designer who gives your application a unique look to make your android application good enough to share on the charts.

  • Project name - the name of your project
  • Package name - this name will be used as the package name in your Java files. Package name must be fully qualified. The convention is to use your company's domain name in reverse order
  • Activity name - the name of the activity in your Android application. In Android, think of an activity as a screen containing some actions, hence the name "activity"
  • Application name - the user-friendly name of the application that will be displayed in the Applications tab of the Android UI

The src folder contains your Java source files. The file is the source file for the HelloMobiForge activity you specified when you created the project earlier. The file is a special file generated by the ADT to keep track of all the names of views, constants, etc, used in your Android project. You should not modify the content of this file as its content is generated automatically by the ADT. The Android Library contains a file named android.jar. This file contains all the classes that you would use to program an Android application. The res folder contains all the resources used by your Android application. For example, the drawable folder contains a png image file that is used as the icon for your application. The layout folder contains an XML file used to represent the user interface of your Android application. The values folder contains an XML file used to store a list of string constants. The AndroidManifest.xml file is an application configuration file that contains detailed information about your application, such as the number of activities you have in your application, the types of permissions your application needs, the version information of your application, and so on.

Advantages of Android Development

  • Easy to use tools and APIs
  • Multimedia, Travel Guides, GPS Navigation, Gaming, Barcode Scanning and other utilities
  • WiFi, Bluetooth, GPRS, EDGE, and 3G network support
  • Open Source
  • Integrated Google applications
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