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Civil Engineering Services | Outsource Civil Engineering Services | Silicon Valley Infomedia Pvt Ltd.

Civil Engineering Services is the set of professional engineering disciplines that deals with all major work related to the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment. The list of such work are development of roads, bridges, canals, dams, buildings, pipelines, railways, structural components and more.

Civil Engineering is undistinguished and broken into multiple sub-disciplines. It is considered to be one of the second-oldest engineering disciplines post military engineering.The use and demand for civil engineering is taking place in the public sector and it is from the municipal government to national government. Also, the need for civil engineering services is not limited to the government sector, but also used in the private sector and that too from the individual homeowners to the international companies globally.

Are you looking for Civil Engineering Services or planning to Outsource Civil Engineering Services, then indeed your search is ending at Silicon Valley Infomedia Pvt Ltd. We have the team of well-experienced and trained civil engineers who are well up to date with the use of all the latest tools and standards that are required for the completion of all civil engineering projects. We follow all the latest art of technology to deliver cost-effective and versatile Civil Engineering Solutions. Based on the need and requirement of the clients our engineers adopt and develop design developments. Well, it is not at all wrong in saying that our civil engineering services, Civil Engineering Consulting delivers real-time solutions to assist the designers, architects, builders, and companies to work more effectively and efficiently.

Civil Engineering Services Offered by us:

Silicon Valley is the leading engineering company that delivers civil engineering designs and construction services to all major AEC industries. Moreover, we offer custom made and tailored services totally applicable and supported by experienced civil engineers. Some of the most important services offered by us are listed below.

CAD Conversion

We are in the era of the 21st century where most of the paperless civil engineering companies are converting their mechanical and architectural drawings into CAD. We at Silicon Valley provide accurate and perfect paper to CAD conversion and digitization services that makes the work convenient and also ensures to retrieve the data as and when required. This set of CAD conversion of work is related to achieving, retrieving, copying, editing, and sharing the drawings with the contractors and the construction team so that their work becomes easier and quicker. With over experience for over 12+ years we are expert in delivering world-class CAD conversion, standards, and by following all the specifications and codes.

Construction Drawings Solutions

We at Silicon Valley deliver all types of engineering drawings that are useful to provide end-to-end solutions for the entire construction process. These are the engineering drawings that are used for analysis, planning, and execution so as to deliver the work as per the expectation of the clients. We have a team of highly skilled and trained engineers who are having experience in using software like AutoCAD and Revit that is used to produce accurate engineering drawings at competitive rates. We work with our clients globally and assist them in creating blueprints and drafting drawings for commercial buildings, residential buildings, and old building reconstruction.

MEP Design & Drafting

We have our team who possess key knowledge for designing and providing MEP solutions that is related from concept design to the detailed analysis of the MEP. MEP stands for mechanical, electrical and plumbing services. Our engineers and drafters have years of experience as they are working in various software like Revit, AutoCAD, Navisworks, CAD, and more. Well, it is not at all wrong in saying that MEP design and drafting services are very much useful for architects, builders, mechanical consultants, and contractors around the world.

HVAC Design

Silicon Valley is the leading and prominent company that provides proper and accurate HVAC requirements services.HVAC stands for heating, ventilation & air conditioning.We have the team of engineers who are having years of experience and have served our clients globally and for numerous international projects. We do and are offering HVAC design services to architects, contractors, builders, and suppliers and that is with the help of the latest tools, systems, and technologies. Also, not only this but our services include many other services in accordance to global civil engineering standards. Some of the services include sizing, scheduling, control charts, engineering drawings, equipment layouts, shop drawings, and much more.

Drainage Design Services

By choosing as your civil engineering service providers, we assure you that you can avail one of the widest range of CAD and BIM solutions. We have an extra-ordinary team of technicians, civil engineers, and architects who have created and designed comprehensive drainage designs that is demanded and is the current need for all the BIM projects.

Construction Scheduling and Tracking Services

Our construction scheduling and tracking services allows the clients to get the detailed information of the construction schedules and that is related to the complete set of the projects including its all plan of activities that are taken in a time-based manner, and also helping the team to manage the project way much conveniently, effectively, and also in an accurate manner.

Civil Information Modeling Services

Silicon Valley provides one of the most comprehensive and in-depth services of civil engineering modeling. With the help of latest and effective CIM tools, technologies, and standard we provide and deliver cost-effective and high-quality services. Our CIM information is very much similar to BIM services. One thing here comes as an exception is that they are more suitable for civil infrastructure projects.

5D Simulation Services

Silicon Infomedia Pvt Ltd provides remarkable 5D BIM simulations services to our clients globally. In this 21st century, we help all the AEC industries along with the stakeholders, owners, contractors, sub-contractors, and designers to check and visualize the entire sequence of the construction project so as to achieve the BIM projects milestones. This process does help each one of us to evaluate the progress of construction events virtually and that too before the actual construction takes place and that too throughout the lifetime of the project.

BIM for Facility Management Services

Looking for high-quality BIM for facility management services for your BIM project? Well, your search ends at Silicon Valley. We have a team of highly-skilled BIM modelers and BIM drafters who provide best BIM services to the owners and facility managers that improves the effectiveness of their maintenance and operations programs for their buildings. We try our best to ensure that our clients enable and adopt BIM-based solutions for the entire building lifecycle that also includes the maintenance and operational details of the entire building lifecycle.

BIM Quantity Estimation Services

We are one of the leading BIM outsourcing company that provides high-quality 5D BIM simulations that incorporate the cost estimation and quantity take-offs by linking the project data to cost-data from different and multiple sources. Our BIM cost estimation services allow the clients to assess the impact of the costs on multiple design scenarios, and at the end leading to a higher ROI.

Virtual Construction Services

Silicon Valley is the BIM service provider that with the help of latest tools and technology builds virtual designs of the construction project before the construction starts. The team of BIM engineers and BIM modelers integrate virtual construction tools into daily work of the project so as to get the success for the BIM project. This is all possible with the help of virtual construction technology that assists into delivering the project within the budget and also way ahead of schedule.

4D Simulation Services

Silicon Valley's 4D simulation for construction services shares the information that has complete planning and scheduling that helps the contractors, engineers, architects, and designers to visualise the complete construction sequence and evaluate onsite and offsite project progress for the lifetime of the project.

BIM and 3D Virtual Reality Services

The team at Silicon Valley provides highly-qualitative BIM and virtual reality services that assists in sharing the realistic representation of the construction model. Our BIM virtual reality services enable us to view the model with the actual dimensions according to the intent of the design and that is submitted with actual finishes and perfection.

3D Coordination Services

3D Coordination services helps the contractors and the constructors to construct the BIM project in a coordinated construction model. We and our team of engineers ensure to review the entire construction documents, identifying clashes, and participating in regular meetings. Our 3D coordination deliverables of the services are in the format as demanded by our clients and that is included in the form of Revit, AutoCAD,CADmep and more.

Process of Civil Engineering Services| Silicon Valley

Let us proceed further, and have a look at the process of civil engineering services that are provided by us. The list for the same is as mentioned below.

  • Establish and calculate the scope of work
  • Recognize and acknowledging the input
  • Cost-estimation and efforts undertaken
  • Allocation of the project
  • Executing and sharing the draft
  • Changes at the last minutes
  • Final delivery and outcome of the project

Benefits of choosing as your Civil Engineering Service provider:

We at Silicon Valley share with you the details in which below mentioned are some of the strong reasons and benefits of choosing us as your civil engineer service provider.

  • Affordable Prices
  • 100% Information Security
  • Modern Infrastructure
  • Professional Engineering Team
  • Quick TAT
  • Data Security
  • Modern Tools & Technology
  • Quality Assurance
  • Option to Scale-up

Outsource Civil Engineering Services With Us :

Silicon Valleys' construction management team has well-qualified professionals, and engineers who are expert in making civil engineering and construction engineering tasks easier and faster. With the help of advanced tools, technology, computerized mapping, analysis of land, environmental control and more can be easily noticed and the engineering service can be taken on another level or next level.

Our team works internally with the civil engineers, drafters to assist all back-end related works and tasks like planning, discussing, modeling, and drafting. Contact us today and outsource your civil engineering services with us. We will all support requirements today, tomorrow, and as and when required in future.

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