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ZWCAD Software Expertise

ZWCAD is an economical Computer Aided Design (CAD) software compatible with DWG file format. With all the functions of AutoCAD, ZWCAD is a reliable drafting solution for designers. Since it has comprehensive familiarity with CAD, offers the customary Classic and Ribbon interfaces with the same CAD commands. As a result of the similarity with CAD, it can be easily learned without wasting time and cost on re-learning.

ZWCAD belongs from Open Design Alliance CAD software act as an open source alternative for AutoDesk. Its affordable and work are as same as the standards as Autodesk without any hassles. It has consistent compatibility with DWG and other CAD files.

ZWCAD Summary

  • 2D drafting
  • 3D features
  • APIs
  • Block attribute manager
  • Dynamic block
  • File compare
  • Insert OLE object
  • Match property
  • Object isolation
  • Print with STB/CTB plot style
  • Quick Calculator
  • Reference manager
  • Smart mouse
  • Smart voice
  • Super hatch
  • Tool palettes
  • User-friendly interface and commands

ZWCAD Advantages

Innovative Solutions: ZWCAD has got the efficiency and innovative methodology to streamline the designing and drafting process.

  • Voice Record Annotation Adding
  • Mouse Gesture Commands
  • Selection of objects as per properties through Multi-Filter
  • Conversion of Text into Barcode or QR code of Insertion in the Drawing

Cutting Edge Technology: As ZWCAD is a technologically agile, it has advanced tools that efficiently implement the project.

  • Lisp Debugger
  • Data Extraction
  • Dynamic Block
  • Match Property
  • OLE Object Insertion
  • Comparison of Drawings/Files for highlighting the differences
  • Tools Palettes for Organization, Sharing Placing Commands, blocks, and Other tools
  • Super Hatch
  • Reference Manager for managing external references
  • Object Isolation for Controlling the Visibility of particular objects.
  • Quick Calculator
  • Attribute Manager Blocking
  • Design Centre for Searching and accessing the designs
  • PDF and DWFx underlay
  • Annotative Object for creating annotations in different plotting scales

Best 3D Features: ZWCAD has a realistic 3D aspect showcases the life-like design before the construction stage.

  • 3D Modeling that creates and improvise a 3D model with solid surface
  • 3D Viewing in perspective view in camera target simulation.
  • 3D Visualization

2D Drafting: In the growing demand for 3D formats, ZWCAD didn’t forget the efficiency of 2D drafting.

  • Auto-complete Command Input
  • Mtext
  • Images that supports the format of JPEG, PNG, and BMP.
  • Block that Collect geometry together into one object for repetitive usage.
  • External Reference
  • Table
  • Mleaders
  • Associative Dimension
  • Revision Cloud
  • Layer Properties Manager
  • PDF Underlay Manager
  • Cycle Selection
  • Attribute Block
  • Zoom and Pan

Supportive Applications: ZWCAD supports and compatible with various type of application.

  • LISP
  • VBA
  • ZRX
  • .NET
  • Vertical Applications

Favorable Output: With the intent of a desired of end-results, the output in ZWCAD comes out in various forms.

  • STB/CTB plot style Printing
  • Publishing or Printing other outputs such as DWG Drawings
  • Smart Plot

Being similar to AutoCAD, ZWCAD is an easy-to-use and multiple compatible software tools run both in desktop and mobile devices.

If you are want to know more about our various design engineering consultancy or 3D modeling service or you are looking for Autocad architecture software , feel free to

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