Attendance Management

Every organization should have an Attendance Management System for employees. Your system needs to comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act timekeeping requirements, regardless of how you implement it. Silicon Valley Education Management System gives the User a proper Module for Attendance of their Employees on Daily , Weekly , Monthly & Yearly basis . Attendance Management Systems allow you to calculate the hours for which employees work accurately. This is especially beneficial if you have employees working on an hourly basis. You need to be able to calculate the exact wages you owe to your employees. And, you need to know if you owe overtime wages to any employees. If you have salaried employees, you can always see how often employees are working. Employees can record and document the time both at and away from your business. You can keep a track of how much they are working, even when you don’t see them.

Tracking employee time will also let you know if employees are punctual. This only works if you require employees to document the exact time they enter or leave. You can see if an employee tends to show up late or skip out early from work.



Attendance Management gives the user all the detailed Information of the Employees according to Stream/Department , Name of the Employee/Faculty & also can get Weekly , Monthly & Yearly Attendance Report. The Principal can also take the Attendance of the Employees with the help of their Mobile Application.


Bio-metric Device details can be inserted in the School / College / University & Institution with the help of our System . Device can be added by giving the Name and a particular I’d for that to implement. The user can select the Mode of the Bio-metric Device like IN , OUT or BOTH . Device Type can also be added like Fingerprint or Bio-Face or All Types can also be used.


Monthly Reports can be generated with the help of this module . Late-in Reports of the Employees can be managed on the basis of month . The data of Over-Time done by the Employee in a whole month can be recorded with the help of this module.

Backend Software Development

Employee Management is an important Feature of Attendance Management . Our ERP System helps the user to get Daily & Weekly and also the Bulk Attendance of the Employee . We can get the details of the Attendance of the Employee by adding Stream/Department & Name of the Employee , the Status along with the Date & Time . The Monthly Attendance of the Employee can also be added in this module . The Attendance of the Biometric Machine can also be Uploaded for Bulk Attendance in the form of File .


Student Management System is a software developed for daily attendance in Schools / Colleges / Universities & Institutes . If facilitates to access the attendance information of a particular student in a particular class . This system will also help in evaluating attendance eligibility criteria of a student.. In this module we can see all the details of Student Absent/Present in the class . The Feature Update Attendance enables Teacher/Admin to Update the Past taken Attendance in the mention Number of days. Report on Monthly Basis helps to keep a record of the Students Attendance according to month. Yearly Basis Report can also be maintained with the help of this Feature. Stream/Department Wise and on Monthly & Yearly Basis Reports can be generated . Gender Wise Monthly / Yearly Reports can also be Maintained with the help of this Feature. In Attendance Report the user will get the Report of a particular student on Daily , Weekly , Monthly & Yearly Basis.

Backend Software Development
Backend Software Development

In this Feature Daily Report the Admin / Principal get all the Reports regarding Employees . Absent Report give the detailed information of the Employees regarding the Absent number of days. The Employees Late-in Time can be recorded in this Late-In Report module. If some Employee is working late in the School for some purpose so that information can be recorded . If any Employee is going early by taking Half-day , that detail of the Employee can be seen by this module. In the Morning if any Employee is coming Early , so that record can also be managed by this module. If any Employee is working for Extra Hours as compared to actual hours , that record of Over Time can be managed here with the help of our ERP System.

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