Hire PHP Developer From India in an Hour!
Feel the Difference when you Hire PHP Web Developer from Silicon Valley InfomediaHire PHP Development Agency to bring your ideas to life with advanced web and mobile applications. At Silicon Valley Infomedia, you can hire PHP Web Developer teams to build feature-rich, scalable solutions tailored to your needs. Whether you want to hire Offshore PHP Developer for cost-effective, high-quality results or need a complete PHP Development Team for complex projects, we have the expertise you're looking for. By choosing to hire PHP Development Agency like Silicon Valley Infomedia, you ensure your project benefits from our 20+ years of experience and a diverse pool of professional PHP developers with expertise in multiple domains. Hire PHP Web Developer today to enhance your online presence and achieve your business goals.
Hire Dedicated PHP Developer - Flexible Hiring Models
- Full Time
- Part Time
- Hourly Basis

Hire PHP Developer - Full Time
- 8 Hours a day, 40 hours a week.
- Total : 160 hours a month
- 2 Year Experienced: $ 1100.
- 3 year Experienced : $ 1350
- 4 year Experienced : $ 1500.
- 7 Year Experienced : $ 2000
Hire PHP Developer - Part Time
- 8 Hours a day, 20 hours a week.
- Total : 80 hours a month
- 2 Year Experienced : $ 600
- 3 year Experienced : $ 700
- 4 year Experienced : $ 800
- 7 Year Experienced : $ 1100
Hire PHP Developer - Hourly Basis
- Any duration
- Minimum 8 hours hiring.
- 2 Year Experienced : $ 10.
- 3 year Experienced : $ 11
- 4 year Experienced : $ 12.
- 7 Year Experienced : $ 15
Hire Full Stack PHP Developer - Hire PHP Developer India
Hire Full Stack PHP Developer To Create Custom PHP Websites, Web Applications And SPA'sHire Full Stack PHP Developer from Silicon Valley Infomedia and create the Application leveraging the upgraded technologies, trends, and frameworks to provide you with the best front-end and back-end services that automate your company's process and boost our business in the market. Hire PHP MySQL Developer who has expertise in developing front-end client-side scripting language. In addition, Full Stack PHP Programmers are also skilled in programming back-end databases and Server-side Scripting languages like PHP, NodeJs, Java, etc., as per the company's requirement for Web and Mobile Application Development.
PHP MVC Framework
Hire our PHP Coder to avoid bugs/errors from your Web Application and attract everyone to your websites. They have the best PHP MVC Framework skills and timely upgrade themselves with the new technologies.

Laravel PHP Framework
Hire our firm's Laravel PHP Developers as they can have adequate scripting language knowledge and experience in designing a next-generation website for quick responsive, and user-friendly websites to connect you to the right candidate.

Yii Framework
Our PHP Coders have many years of experience developing and customizing Yii Framework Development requirements per the customers' demands. We operate on all versions of Yii Framework Development effectively.

PHP CodeIgniter Framework
Hire CodeIgniter Developers as they can give easy and quick solutions for all your web development and assemble your Website engaging through various programming tools. So outsource your requirements today and take advantage of Hiring at an affordable cost.

Cake PHP Development
Our Cake PHP Developers are well versed with server-side scripting for your website development through Cake PHP Framework efficiently in your websites. They virtually complete and deliver the project on time.

Hire PHP Programmer To Develop Your Envisioned PHP Web Application
Hire PHP Developer India, Project Leaders, or a Support Team to enhance your Website's uniqueness.CMS Development
Hire our Dedicated PHP Programmers for all your CMS Development like Joomla, Drupal, WordPress, Magento, and more. They can assemble different and unique designs from others websites.
eCommerce Development
Hiring our PHP Developers for your E-Commerce Development will be advantageous for your mobile and Web Development as we create unique designs for your Web Development company.
Mobile and Web App Development
Our PHP Developers use the best frameworks to develop your Mobiles and Web Application, like the Yii framework, Laravel PHP framework, PHP MVC Framework, CodeIgniter Framework, and Cake PHP Development.
Why Outsource PHP Development To Silicon Valley Infomedia
Outsource Dedicated PHP Development Team to satisfy your PHP/MySQL Development Requirements to India at one-third of the costYou can outsource all PHP/MySQL Development requirements to Silicon Valley to take advantage of Hiring experienced PHP Developers at one-third of the cost. PHP Developers at Silicon Valley are qualified to develop High-End Web Applications at an affordable price without compromising Coding Standards. Outsource PHP Developers who can work in all central Frameworks like PHP MVC Framework, Laravel PHP Framework, Yii Framework, PHP CodeIgniter Framework, and Cake PHP Development. Hire PHP Developer from our firm with skills and experience in delivering custom solutions per your business requirement. But if you hire a Freelance PHP Developer, they may not work according to your requirement. Hire PHP Programmer India, and experience sophisticated and expeditious developing experience at affordable prices. By choosing to outsource PHP Development to Silicon Valley Infomedia, you gain access to a dedicated Team that can handle end-to-end development processes, ensuring your projects are delivered with precision and speed. We specialize in outsource PHP MySQL Development, offering tailored solutions that are flexible, reliable, and scalable, allowing your business to focus on core activities while we handle the technical aspects.
Steps to Hire PHP Developer from Silicon Valley Infomedia
Choose the best that fits well within your budget without compromising the Quality.
We Offer Cost-Effective and Qualitative Services
When you are planning to Hire Developers, Silicon Valley is at your doorstep with end to end solutions for all your PHP Development and Customization requirements.Hire PHP Developer for Custom PHP Projects
20+ Years Of Experience | High-Standard Curated Solutions | Market Competitive PricesRegarding custom software development, PHP-based projects require experienced and dedicated programmers. If you need a skilled PHP developer, consider to hire php developer from India. If you choose to hire dedicated PHP developer from India, you can access some of the industry's most talented and experienced developers at affordable costs. They are equipped with the latest tools and techniques for efficient project management and can provide high-quality PHP development services for your web-based projects. With custom PHP solutions, you can have a tailor-made solution to meet your unique business requirements. Make sure to choose a reputable company that offers developer web services to ensure the best results for your project.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should Hire a PHP Developer?
PHP Developers can develop dynamic web applications to get your dream visualization into reality with tons of solutions.
Which is the best framework for PHP Development?
Laravel is the best framework for PHP Development as it simplifies the development process by reducing the complexity of tasks, such as sessions, routing, queuing, and authentication.
How can I Hire a dedicated PHP Developer from India?
You can Hire Dedicated PHP Developers from Silicon Valley - India, on a full-time, part-time, or hourly basis.
How much does it cost per hour to Outsource PHP Development?
It would depend on the PHP Development project, but generally, it would cost $10-15 to Hire PHP Developers from Silicon Valley - India.
How much does it cost to hire PHP Developers from India?
It will cost between $11 to $20 if you Hire PHP Developers full-time.
How much does it cost if I Hire PHP Developer on a part-time basis?
It will cost between $6 to $11 if you Hire PHP Developers part-time.
Let's discuss
your outsourcing requirements
Connect with Us
Please communicate with us today! Learn about our methodology, and let us help you with your requirements.Welcome
331-332, Patel Avenue Nr.Gurudwara,
S G Road, Thaltej, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA.
+91-79-4847 3326 / +91-79-2685 2558
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