Silverlight Web Development

Silicon Valley started offering Silverlight website Development. We have a pool of consultants who have a fertile experience in Silverlight applications and they can develop plush user interface, vector graphics and animations that can be integrated with the database. We have experience and knowledgeable silver light developers who can develop important silverlight systems and Silverlight applications. We offer the service of hiring a silverlight developer from Silicon Valley. Our workforce is also proficient with Microsoft .Net Technologies. We provide Rich Internet Application (RIA) development using Microsoft Silverlight. Silicon Valley offers Silverlight development services for Silverlight cross browser and cross platform technology to create Rich Internet Applications and cross-device plug-in for delivering the next generation of .NET based media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web.

Silverlight Web Development Abu Dhabi

Silverlight Web Development

Silicon Valley started offering Silverlight website Development. We have a pool of consultants who have a fertile experience in Silverlight applications and they can develop plush user interface, vector graphics and animations that can be integrated with the database. We have experience and knowledgeable silver light developers who can develop important silverlight systems and Silverlight applications.

We are happy to offer you development of your projects using Microsoft Silverlight. Our highly experienced and qualified Silverlight developer team builds Silverlight applications that are cross browser and cross platform compatible. Our Silverlight development team uses .NET Framework and its technologies mainly Asp.NET, VB.NET, C# for developing high quality Silverlight web applications.

Microsoft Silverlight takes interactive web experiences to the next level. Silverlight provides the platform to create superior combinations of motion graphics and programming including video addition, rich internet applications (RIAs), advanced AJAX applications and much more. Our Silverlight developers are experienced to truly combine form and function on your web site using Microsoft Silverlight.

What Is Silverlight?
Silverlight enables you to create a state-of-the-art application that has the following features:
  • It is a cross-browser, cross-platform technology. It runs in all popular Web browsers, including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari, and on Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X.
  • It provides a consistent experience no matter where it runs.
  • It is supported by a very small download that installs in seconds.
  • It streams video and audio. It scales video quality to everything from mobile devices to desktop browsers to 720p HDTV video modes.
  • It includes compelling graphics that users can manipulate-drag, turn, and zoom-directly in the browser.
  • It reads data and updates the display, but it doesn’t interrupt the user by refreshing the whole page.
Hire Silver Light Developer

You can hire dedicated Silverlight developers from India, who provides Outsourcing of all types of software application development. The offshore software development companies provide software development, maintenance, porting, migration, testing and production realization services. Dedicated Silverlight developers from India can generate and craft the effects of high-class value in animation which brings in the blur, drop down and other effects like bounce, elastic effects etc. We can also develop text animation effects by providing you dedicated silver light developers who will help you to play with the text animation with ease which helps in effective animation within an application. Other benefits which you can reap if you hire dedicated Silverlight developers from India is the best development environment, get highest quality of videos. Dedicated Silverlight programmers can also create applications which are cross platform and cross browser compatible giving you a wider scope of operation. With Silverlight the applications are highly cost effective and you get the the best quality solutions at the minimum possible price. Our service of hire Silverlight programmers can give third party language support and can make use of other technologies like Ruby, Python, EcmaScript with Silverlight.

The benefits of Microsoft Silverlight Development are:
  • Flawless and high speed video & audio streaming.
  • It provides outstanding shade effects with high resolution images.
  • Silverlight supports LINQ and LINQ-to-XML that easily accessible via RSS, JSON, REST and POX
  • Easily Integrate and migrate with existing Asp.Net web Application
  • Features like bounce and elasticity for smoother display with new animation to facilitate 3D graphics and animations.
  • The text within Silverlight application it provides better management and animation.
  • Allows better indexing by search engine because Silverlight applications are delivered to browser in XAML, which makes it convenient for engines to index application, instead of keywords, for better SEO results.
  • Silver application development is completely safe and secure. The application automatically updates itself.
  • The enhanced deep zoom option helps the Silverlight developers to visualize the data vividly for better understanding.
  • High degree of browser and platform compatibility.
  • Microsoft Silverlight application usage, steps up the speed of AJAX based websites that leverage Microsoft.Net framework

Web Development framework consider Silverlight development solution which enables combine graphics, animation and multimedia through rich interactive application. It composed the main presentation framework for overall look and feel of the application. Silver light programming has range of functions such as DOM integration, interactivity and user input, media playback, graphics and animation, basic UI controls and Digital Restrictions Management.

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