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Microsoft Products

Silicon Valley a Product Development company in India, serving in this industry from 8+ years and proved their selves an expertise in designing, developing, and maintaining different kinds of products for various types of industries. We handle the outsource work as we are Product Development Company which is dedicated in Product development for our clients to give a cost effective solution. We provide solution according the needs of our clients and understand their Business concept to developed a precise methodology, based upon our past knowledge and experience with our expert team for developing new products which range from mid to large corporation. Silicon Valley have experienced team of handpicked experts who are always committed to work and providing assured quality work and cost effective Product development services across the globe.

Our services include analyzing system requirements, developing requirements, creating the architecture, designing the software, implementing the code, integrating the components, and testing the software to verify that it satisfies the specified requirements.

  • Product Conceptualization
  • Product Development
  • Product Testing and Quality Assurance
  • Product Implementation
  • Product Support
  • Product Design
  • Product Enhancement
  • Product Release Management
  • Product Maintenance
  • Product Performance Audit & Tuning

Silicon Valley having an expert offshore outsourcing team to develop and implement their software projects. We have covered all most all the industries including Insurance, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Shipping, Real Estate, Retail, Optician, Paper & pulp and e-Learning. We have been specialized in developing custom software applications. Our programmer has posses a wide range of programming skills and provides latest & cost effective technologies such as Java, PHP, .NET, ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, XML, Delphi and many more. From this you acknowledge the quality and reliability for developing software applications.

  • By availing our offshore dedicated services it can give drastic reduction in the product development cost.
  • Silicon Valley gives you the facility for using our latest technology solutions from our experienced programmers by using state-of-the-art infrastructure.
  • We give you direct control over product development architecture to confirm that our resources are working as per your specific needs and requirement Dedicated teams provide the required flexibility and control over product architecture to ensure proper and efficient utilization of resources as per your specific needs and requirements.
  • Commitment to the client intellectual property rights, and maintains project information confidentiality and trust.
  • Outsourcing product development services provide quicker turnaround and reduced development time for your projects.
  • Reliable and experienced quality testing services, in addition to a helpful and productive maintenance service that provides 24X7 supports for all queries, problems and any software needs.

Our professional team is having an experience to design the flow to handle every single action on your product development service process right from design to testing. Since our inception, empowering us to accomplished the projects to get successfully done by our methodologies for the service of product development.

We specialize in custom software development Services. Our engineers have competent experience in application software development. We, as an Outsourced Software Development company help our customers achieve new heights with reduced Time-To-Market and substantial cost saving.

User interface: Microsoft Dynamic CRM has fully featured user interface based on Microsoft Standards. Without parting Microsoft Outlook CRM features can be accessed. This is the key benefit to many users.

User interface: Microsoft Dynamic CRM has fully featured user interface based on Microsoft Standards. Without parting Microsoft Outlook CRM features can be accessed. This is the key benefit to many users.

Security: For user verification you get fully developed system which also gives user administration and role-based security on working directory. It’s allowing you to direct control to access individual record.

Data model: Microsoft Dynamic CRM gives you the platform which includes extensive templates for tracking, contacts, services activities, organizations, people and marketing activities.

Reporting: Start with a set of pre-built reports and an extensible reporting architecture (Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Service), ad hoc query tool, and report export to Excel and PDF files.

Compatibility: It is fully customizable and extensible as its developed in Microsoft .NET technologies.

Additional features: This standard product includes a data importing wizard, off-line capability and wireless devices.

  • Hosted CRM 4 is available anywhere via an Internet connected PC or smart phone
  • Integrate with Microsoft Office and Outlook seamlessly
  • Workflows in CRM 4 improve your sales, marketing and customer management activities
  • Maximize sales opportunities by analyzing customer behavior and trends

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Marketing module is a computerization of organizing promotion campaigns. The list of customers can be created by marketing staff, can produce and send the mass emails, which shows measure results and cost incurred. It helps for customer service department door to centralized records for entire client information. It is very quick to see the history of customer and customer can be serviced efficiently. CRM can be managed effectively without extra cost. It also supports Multilanguage and multicurrency to organize multiple branches. Microsoft Dynamics CRM has a unique feature of duplicate data detection which prevents staff from wasting time in inserting same records.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK that simplifies the development of Internet-enabled applications that interact with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

  • Microsoft Dynamic CRM Consulting, Development and Deployment
  • Dynamic CRM System Customization
  • Customer Management Solution
  • CRM Development
  • Dynamics CRM Maintenance and Testing
  • Offshore Remote support for Microsoft Dynamics
Abbotsford, Abha, Abidjan, Abu Dhabi, Abuja, Accra, Addis Ababa, Adelaide, Africa, Ahmedabad, Ahvaz, Ajman, Al Ain, Al Jahra, Al Rayyan, Alabama, Alaska, Albania, Albany, Albury, Alexandria, Algeria, Algiers, Alice Springs, Baghdad, Bahamas, Bahia Blanca, Bahrain, Balikpapan, Ballarat, Bandar Lampung, Bandung, Bangkok, Bangladesh, Barbados, Bariloche, Barisal, Barrie, Basra, Batam, Bathurst, Beijing, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bendigo, Bengaluru, Benin, Benin City, Berlin, Bermuda, Cabo Verde, Cairns, Cairo, Calgary, California, Caloocan, Cambodia, Cambridge, Canada, Canberra, Cape Town, Cardiff, Caribbean Netherlands, Casablanca, Cayman Islands, Central African, Chad, Chandigarh, Changchun, Changsha, Changwon, Changzhou, Charleroi, Chengdu, Chennai, Chiang Mai, Chiba, Chile, Chillan, China, Daegu, Daejeon, Dakar, Dalian, Dammam, Dar es Salaam, Dargaville, Darwin, Davao, Delaware, Denmark, Devonport, Ecuador, Ede, Edinburgh, Edmonton, Egypt, El Alto, El Salvador, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Finland, Florida, Formosa, Foshan, Gabon, Gaborone, Gambia, Gatineau, Geelong, George Town, Georgia, Georgia, Geraldton, Germany, Ghana, Ghana, Ghent, Gibraltar, Gisborne, Gladstone, Glasgow, Gold Coast, Goyang, Haikou, Haiti, Hakodate, Halifax, Hamad Town, Hamamatsu, Hamburg, Hamilton, Hamilton CA, Hangzhou, Harare, Harbin, Hastings, Iceland, Idaho, Illinois, Incheon, India, Indiana, Indonesia, Invercargill, Iowa, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Jamaica, Japan, Jeddah, Kagoshima, Kajang, Kalgoorlie, Kampala, Kanazawa, Kano, Kansas, Karaj, Karbala, Kawasaki, Kawerau, Kazakhstan, Kelowna, Kentucky, Kenya, Kermanshah, Khamis Mushait, Khartoum, Khobar, Kigali, Kikuyu, Kingston, Kingston CA, Kinshasa, Lagos, Laksam Upazila, Lanzhou, Laos, Lapu Lapu, Latvia, Launceston, Lausanne, Lebanon, Lesotho, Leuven, Levin, Liberia, Libreville, Libya, Luxembourg City, La Paz, La Plata, Macau, Macedonia, Mackay, Madagascar, Madurai, Maebashi, Maine, Maitland, Makassar, Malacca City, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malindi, Malta, Manado, Manama, Manchester, Mandurah, Manila, Maputo, Mar del Plata, Markham, Marseille, Marshall Islands, Martinique, Maryland, Mashhad, Massachusetts, Matsumoto, Matsuyama, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mbeya, Mecca, Medan, Medina, Melbourne, Nagasaki, Nagoya, Nairobi, Najaf, Najran, Nakuru, Namibia, Namur, Nanchang, Nanjing, Nanning, Nantes, Napier, Naples, Nara, Narayanganj, Nauru, Nebraska, Nelson, Nepal, Netherlands, Neuquen, Nevada, New Caledonia, Oakville, Oamaru, Ohio, Okayama, Oklahoma, Oman, Oregon, Paeroa, Palau, Palembang, Palestine, Palmerston North, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Paraparaumu, Paris, Pekanbaru, Pennsylvania, Perth, Peru, Petaling Jaya, Philippines, Pietermaritzburg, Qatar, Qatif, Qingdao, Qom, Rabat, Rajshahi, Rancagua, Ras al Khaimah, Regina, Reims, Rennes, Resistencia, Reunion, Rhode Island, Riffa, Sagamihara, Saguenay, Saint Lucia, Sakai, Salmiya, Salta, Samoa, San Juan, San Lorenzo, San Luis, San Marino, San Miguel de Tucuman, San Salvador de Jujuy, Sandakan, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Santa Fe, Santa Rosa, Santiago, Santiago del Estero, Sanya, Sapporo, Saskatoon, Saudi Arabia, Seeb, Semarang, Sendai, Senegal, Seoul, Serbia, Seremban, Seychelles, Shah Alam, Shanghai, Sharjah, Shenyang, Tabriz, Tabuk, Taiwan, Taiyuan, Tajikistan, Takamatsu, Talca, Tamworth, Tandil, Tanzania, Tarija, Tasikmalaya, Tauranga, Tehran, Temuco, Tennessee, Texas, Thailand, Thames, Thiruvananthapuram, Thunder Bay, Tianjin, Tijuana, Timor Leste, Togo, UAE, Uganda, UK, Ukraine, Ulsan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, United States Virgin Islands, Valparaiso, Vancouver, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Venice, Vermont, Wagga Wagga, Waitakere City, Wakayama, Warrnambool, Washington, Wellington, Wenzhou, West Virginia, Western Sahara, Westport, Xiamen, Yantai, Yaounde, Yellowknife, Yemen, Zambia, Zhengzhou, Zhuhai,
MEAN Stack Development

Web Development technologies are booming at a rapid pace. And why not? Websites have become a crucial part for enhancing the business possibilities. In this arena of Web Development..

PHP/MySQL Development

We at Silicon Valley have the team of Php MySql developers who are expert in Php programming delivering extensive and outperforming solutions that would be helpful to our clients for many years.

.Net Development

Silicon Valley delivers quality ASP.NET web development solutions. We aim to deliver ASP.Net development services that exactly fit to your business requirements.

Enterprise Solution

Silicon Valley is a one of the best ERP Application Software Development Company based in India. Silicon Valley develops unique ERP Application Software according to client’s specific requirement.

iOS Mobile App Development

iOS is the OS that is used in all the apple devices. We are the leading service provider of iOS mobile app development across the globe. The apps developed are with the different languages like objective -C, or swift.

Android Mobile App Development

With the stronger protection and privacy of the user, we develop an android mobile app that is user friendly and also provides extended support to its clients. So, start getting your app ready and give us your feedback.

iPhone App Projects

Monitor your project on your go. Silicon Valley Infomedia Pvt Ltd is the most recommended and trusted company that
has developed numerous projects in the world of iPhone and ios technology world.

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android App Projects

For building a better tomorrow we are at your service for developing the best as well as the reliable android application that is
most demanded in this fast-moving life and the generations of all age groups.

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