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Magento Ecommerce Development

Silicon Valley has an experience in Magento Ecommerce Development to provide robust framework in different industries by proven way out to provide highly scalable and customizable. Outsourcing at Silicon Valley gives you to hire expert Magento Ecommerce developers to provide customization solution in sequence with your business ideas to get good hits for your online business. Magento Programming at Silicon Valley provides highly experienced team and talented Magento designers and Magento programmers who commit quality and client satisfaction.

Creating a good online ecommerce shopping cart has never been easier, but with our expertise Magento Programmers we have become very easy for you to customize the way you want to see. It is not a just design simple product website and integrate payment gateway, we are including whole complete online ecommerce store which gives you a control over the look, content and features you require in your Magento website Development that give you adage over the market competition.

Full Time Dedicated Programmers
  • During the development Programmers will be online through Instant Messenger to communicate with client.
  • Client can also communicate with programmer through mail or phone
  • Programmer will give daily update through mail or using digital project reporting system
  • Silicon Valley will transfer all source code to owner as and when required
  • In case, if client is not happy, we will replace programmer within 48 hours.
  • Same Programmer will work during the development
  • 8 Hours a day, 40 hours a week.
  • Total : 160 hours a month
  • Initial payment : 50% and Balance after 15 days.
  • 2 Year Experienced: $ 1100.
  • 3 year Experienced : $ 1350
  • 4 year Experienced : $ 1500.
  • 7 Year Experienced : $ 2000
Part Time Dedicated Programmers
  • During the development Programmers will be online through Instant Messenger to communicate with client.
  • Client can also communicate with programmer through mail or phone.
  • Programmer will give daily update through mail or using digital project reporting system
  • Silicon Valley will transfer all source code to owner as and when required
  • In case, if client is not happy, we will replace programmer within 48 hours.
  • Same Programmer will work during the development
  • 8 Hours a day, 20 hours a week.
  • Total : 80 hours a month
  • Initial payment : 50% and Balance after 15 days.
  • 2 Year Experienced : $ 600
  • 3 year Experienced : $ 700
  • 4 year Experienced : $ 800
  • 7 Year Experienced : $ 1100
Hourly Basis
  • During the development Programmers will be online through Instant Messenger to communicate with client.
  • Client can also communicate with programmer through mail or phone.
  • Programmer will give daily update through mail or using digital project reporting system
  • Silicon Valley will transfer all source code to owner as and when required
  • In case, if client is not happy, we will replace programmer within 48 hours.
  • Same Programmer will work during the development/
  • Any duration
  • Minimum 8 hours hiring.
  • Initial payment : Minimums 8 hours Balance After 15 Days.
  • 2 Year Experienced : $ 10.
  • 3 year Experienced : $ 11
  • 4 year Experienced : $ 12.
  • 7 Year Experienced : $ 15

We offer in Magento E-commerce Shopping Cart development.

  • Magento Ecommerce Development
  • Magento Customization
  • Magento Template Development
  • Magento Website Development
  • Magento Module Development and Integration
  • Magento website redesign

Magento ecommerce Development provides you rich versatile features and flexible open source shopping cart. Magento is the one of the best open source ecommerce development which facilitates design and development nothing else is comparable to Magento.

Here is some of the key benefit of Magento features that really help to build up successful Magento ecommerce website.

  • Multi store facilities that help to manage multiple store from one admin panel and product catalog.
  • Integration of third party tools with help of web services API
  • Easy integration of Google website optimizer for A/B testing.
  • SEO friendly URL rewrite rules
  • Magento One page checkout
  • Integrate with more than 50 payment gateways
  • extensive knowledge of vender management in Magento
  • E-bay Api integration
  • expertise in handling bigger database around 100 gb with Magento without effecting site speed
  • Integration with the United States Postal Service, FedEx, and UPS for real time rate quotes
  • Multi-Tier Pricing for quantity discounts

Our professional Magento developers are always accepting new challenges and passionate about developing Magento websites and its pleasing design that giving help to boost up your online sales and helping you to grow ahead from your competitors in the market and to build a successful Magento ecommerce store. We utilize our in-house expertise to deliver full range of Magento development services.

Our Magento Outsource service provides creative designer to design your ideas to meet your business needs and our Magento Programmer give you exactly what you require to customize look and feel of your ecommerce store.

When it comes to ecommerce Magento programmers understands the importance of flexibility and security for your online ecommerce store. That's why Magento is our platform of choice when building online stores for our clients. You get a beautiful store with powerful administration — a match made in heaven. Magento design and Magento development are just two of the services we offer clients who are looking to sell products online.

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Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Finland, Florida, Formosa, Foshan, Gabon, Gaborone, Gambia, Gatineau, Geelong, George Town, Georgia, Georgia, Geraldton, Germany, Ghana, Ghana, Ghent, Gibraltar, Gisborne, Gladstone, Glasgow, Gold Coast, Goyang, Haikou, Haiti, Hakodate, Halifax, Hamad Town, Hamamatsu, Hamburg, Hamilton, Hamilton CA, Hangzhou, Harare, Harbin, Hastings, Iceland, Idaho, Illinois, Incheon, India, Indiana, Indonesia, Invercargill, Iowa, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Jamaica, Japan, Jeddah, Kagoshima, Kajang, Kalgoorlie, Kampala, Kanazawa, Kano, Kansas, Karaj, Karbala, Kawasaki, Kawerau, Kazakhstan, Kelowna, Kentucky, Kenya, Kermanshah, Khamis Mushait, Khartoum, Khobar, Kigali, Kikuyu, Kingston, Kingston CA, Kinshasa, Lagos, Laksam Upazila, Lanzhou, Laos, Lapu Lapu, Latvia, Launceston, Lausanne, Lebanon, Lesotho, Leuven, Levin, Liberia, Libreville, Libya, Luxembourg City, La Paz, La Plata, Macau, Macedonia, Mackay, Madagascar, Madurai, Maebashi, Maine, Maitland, Makassar, Malacca City, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malindi, Malta, Manado, Manama, Manchester, Mandurah, Manila, Maputo, Mar del Plata, Markham, Marseille, Marshall Islands, Martinique, Maryland, Mashhad, Massachusetts, Matsumoto, Matsuyama, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mbeya, Mecca, Medan, Medina, Melbourne, Nagasaki, Nagoya, Nairobi, Najaf, Najran, Nakuru, Namibia, Namur, Nanchang, Nanjing, Nanning, Nantes, Napier, Naples, Nara, Narayanganj, Nauru, Nebraska, Nelson, Nepal, Netherlands, Neuquen, Nevada, New Caledonia, Oakville, Oamaru, Ohio, Okayama, Oklahoma, Oman, Oregon, Paeroa, Palau, Palembang, Palestine, Palmerston North, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Paraparaumu, Paris, Pekanbaru, Pennsylvania, Perth, Peru, Petaling Jaya, Philippines, Pietermaritzburg, Qatar, Qatif, Qingdao, Qom, Rabat, Rajshahi, Rancagua, Ras al Khaimah, Regina, Reims, Rennes, Resistencia, Reunion, Rhode Island, Riffa, Sagamihara, Saguenay, Saint Lucia, Sakai, Salmiya, Salta, Samoa, San Juan, San Lorenzo, San Luis, San Marino, San Miguel de Tucuman, San Salvador de Jujuy, Sandakan, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Santa Fe, Santa Rosa, Santiago, Santiago del Estero, Sanya, Sapporo, Saskatoon, Saudi Arabia, Seeb, Semarang, Sendai, Senegal, Seoul, Serbia, Seremban, Seychelles, Shah Alam, Shanghai, Sharjah, Shenyang, Tabriz, Tabuk, Taiwan, Taiyuan, Tajikistan, Takamatsu, Talca, Tamworth, Tandil, Tanzania, Tarija, Tasikmalaya, Tauranga, Tehran, Temuco, Tennessee, Texas, Thailand, Thames, Thiruvananthapuram, Thunder Bay, Tianjin, Tijuana, Timor Leste, Togo, UAE, Uganda, UK, Ukraine, Ulsan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, United States Virgin Islands, Valparaiso, Vancouver, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Venice, Vermont, Wagga Wagga, Waitakere City, Wakayama, Warrnambool, Washington, Wellington, Wenzhou, West Virginia, Western Sahara, Westport, Xiamen, Yantai, Yaounde, Yellowknife, Yemen, Zambia, Zhengzhou, Zhuhai, Akron, Albuquerque , America, Anaheim, Anchorage, Arizona, Arkansas, Arlington, Atlanta, Aurora, Austin, Bakersfield, Baltimore, Baton Rouge, Bloomington, Boise, Boston, Buffalo, Chandler, Charlotte, Chesapeake, Chicago, Chula Vista, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Colorado, Colorado Springs, Columbus, Connecticut, Corpus Christi, Dallas, DC, Denver, Detroit, Detroit Metro, Durham, El Paso, Fort Wayne, Fort Worth, Fresno, Fresno Madera, Garland, , Glendale, Greensboro, Guam, Hampton Roads, Hartford, Hawaii, Henderson, Hialeah, Honolulu, Houston, Huntington, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, Jersey City, Kansas City, Laredo, Las Vegas, Lexington Fayette, Lincoln, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Scotland, Louisiana, Louisville, Lubbock, Madison, Memphis, Mesa, Miami, Michigan, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Modesto, Montana, Montgomery, Montreal, Nashville, New Jersey, New Mexico, New Orleans, New York, New York City, Newark, Norfolk, North Carolina, North Dakota, North Hampshire, North Hempstead, Oakland, Oklahoma City, Omaha, Orange County, Orlando, Ottawa, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Plano, Portland, Puerto Rico, Raleigh, Raleigh-Durham, Reno, Richmond, Riverside, Rochester, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, San Bernardino, San Francisco, San Diego, San Jose, Santa Ana, Seattle, Seattle Tacoma, SF Bay Area, South Carolina, South Dakota, South Florida, St Louis, St Paul, St Petersburg, Stockton, Tampa, Tampa Bay Area, Toledo, Toronto, Tucson, Tulsa, United States, Utah, USA, Victoria, Virginia Beach, Wichita, Winnipeg, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Argentina, Athens, Australia, Austria, Bangalore, Barcelona, Barquisimeto, Barranquilla, Belem, Belo Horizonte, Birmingham, Bochum, Bogota, Bolivia, Bologna, Bradford, Brasilia, Brazil, Brisbane, Bristol, Brussels, Bucharest, Budapest, Buenos Aires, Anchorage Mat Su, Alberta, Alborg, Asia, Auckland, Basel, Bath, Burlington, Czech, Derby, Edinburg, Europe,
MEAN Stack Development

Web Development technologies are booming at a rapid pace. And why not? Websites have become a crucial part for enhancing the business possibilities. In this arena of Web Development..

PHP/MySQL Development

We at Silicon Valley have the team of Php MySql developers who are expert in Php programming delivering extensive and outperforming solutions that would be helpful to our clients for many years.

.Net Development

Silicon Valley delivers quality ASP.NET web development solutions. We aim to deliver ASP.Net development services that exactly fit to your business requirements.

Enterprise Solution

Silicon Valley is a one of the best ERP Application Software Development Company based in India. Silicon Valley develops unique ERP Application Software according to client’s specific requirement.

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iOS is the OS that is used in all the apple devices. We are the leading service provider of iOS mobile app development across the globe. The apps developed are with the different languages like objective -C, or swift.

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With the stronger protection and privacy of the user, we develop an android mobile app that is user friendly and also provides extended support to its clients. So, start getting your app ready and give us your feedback.

iPhone App Projects

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For building a better tomorrow we are at your service for developing the best as well as the reliable android application that is
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