php india

ASP.Net Programming

ASP.NET is a Web application framework developed and marketed by Microsoft to allow programmers to build dynamic web sites, web applications and web services. It is the successor to Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP) technology. ASP.NET is built on the Common Language Runtime (CLR), allowing programmers to write ASP.NET code using any supported .NET language.

Silicon Valley is ASP.NET Outsourcing Company based in India. ASP.Net Programming is the fastest growing Web development platform in the world today. Whereas ASP.Net is largely syntax compatible with ASP, it also provides a new programming model and infrastructure for more scalable and stable applications that help provide greater protection. ASP.Net Web Development means that your website can be built with advanced ASP.Net Technology with the expertise of our highly skilled and qualified ASP.Net Programmers. Our organization also has expert ASP.Net Web Developers to serve our clients.

Silicon Valley is a dedicated source for all your PHP Application Development requirements. Silicon Valley is holding the strength of more than 100+ PHP Developer who works according to your business requirements to provide best solution for your online business every time. PHP Application Development Service at Silicon Valley is cost-efficient, timely and ultimate quality.

Silicon Valley is a leading PHP Application Development Company in India. Silicon Valley offers all kind of PHP Application Development Services since its formation in 2004. Silicon Valley has expert professionals with years of PHP Application Development experience and in depth knowledge. We have clients across the globe are proof as we provide great service. At Silicon Valley, we provide able PHP App Development teams on hire which includes devoted PHP Web App and PHP Software Developers. We are a best PHP Application Development Company in India catering to the PHP App Development requirements of clients across the globe. Our PHP App Developers are highly specialized with all the Major MVC Frameworks like Symfony, Yii, PHP Smarty, CakePHP, and Code Igniter.

PHP is an open source language that is used widely in the creation of dynamic web pages. PHP forms a part of essential LAMP bundle. LAMP Architecture is used widely in the PHP Web Application Development. Silicon Valley is a Professional PHP Development Company that is involved in the Offshore PHP Development that involves PHP Software Development and PHP Web Development. MySQL can be used along with PHP to build applications that are driven by database.

Full Time Dedicated Programmers
  • During the development Programmers will be online through Instant Messenger to communicate with client.
  • Client can also communicate with programmer through mail or phone
  • Programmer will give daily update through mail or using digital project reporting system
  • Silicon Valley will transfer all source code to owner as and when required
  • In case, if client is not happy, we will replace programmer within 48 hours.
  • Same Programmer will work during the
  • 8 Hours a day, 40 hours a week.
  • Total : 160 hours a month
  • Initial payment : 50% and Balance after 15 days.
  • 2 Year Experienced: $ 1100.
  • 3 year Experienced : $ 1350
  • 4 year Experienced : $ 1500.
  • 7 Year Experienced : $ 2000
Part Time Dedicated Programmers
  • During the development Programmers will be online through Instant Messenger to communicate with client.
  • Client can also communicate with programmer through mail or phone.
  • Programmer will give daily update through mail or using digital project reporting system
  • Silicon Valley will transfer all required
  • In case, if client is not happy, we will replace programmer within 48 hours.
  • Same Programmer will work during the development
  • 8 Hours a day, 20 hours a week.
  • Total : 80 hours a month
  • Initial payment : 50% and Balance after 15 days.
  • 2 Year Experienced : $ 600
  • 3 year Experienced : $ 700
  • 4 year Experienced : $ 800
  • 7 Year Experienced : $ 1100
Hourly Basis
  • During the development Programmers will be online through Instant Messenger to communicate with client.
  • Client can also communicate with programmer through mail or phone.
  • Programmer will give daily update through mail or using digital project reporting system
  • Silicon Valley will transfer all source code to owner as and when required
  • In case, if client is not happy, we will replace programmer within 48 hours.
  • Same Programmer will work during the development/
  • Any duration
  • Minimum 8 hours hiring.
  • Initial payment : Minimums 8 hours
  • 2 Year Experienced : $ 10.
  • 3 year Experienced : $ 11
  • 4 year Experienced : $ 12.
  • 7 Year Experienced : $ 15

Silicon Valley is a PHP Website Development Company that focuses on PHP software development and PHP web development. PHP web application development is done perfectly through platforms such as MAC OS X, Windows and Linux. PHP Application Developers at Silicon Valley handles the outsource work to develop the application that having highly interactive and our PHP Developers are highly experienced in using PHP technologies which includes:

  • CakePHP
  • Zend Development
  • Core PHP
  • PHP Smarty
  • Open Source CMS
  • MVC framework
  • Ajax
  • XML
  • Yii
  • CodeIgniter
  • Custom Web Applications
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Ecommerce Web Applications
  • Rich Internet Application (RIA) Development
  • Hybrid Web Applications
  • Social Networking Applications
  • Job Portals
  • Intranet Web Applications
  • Open Source Web App Customization
  • Catalogues
  • Shopping Carts
  • Online Chats
  • Tax Calculations
  • Event Calendars
  • Payment Process
  • Order Tracking
  • Audit management
  • Message Boards and Forums
  • Customer Management
  • Reviews and Ratings
  • Electronic Newsletters
  • Administration Panels
  • Mailing Systems
  • Website Statistics
  • Banner Management
  • Feedback Forms
  • Web File Management
  • Polls, Blogs and surveys

Outsource PHP App Development requirements to Silicon Valley in order to get satisfying result. As an Offshore PHP Development Company in India, we are focused in delivering our clients with flexible options to Outsource PHP Development in order to gain maximum profit in their business.

  • Web Applications customization
  • Database driven Websites
  • Reengineering and Enhancements
  • Web Services Integrations
  • Maintenance & Support
  • Expert PHP Apps Developers
  • Expertise solution
  • Fast Process and Ultimate Quality
  • Flexible terms and conditions
  • Affordable
  • One-Stop solution for all

Silicon Valley offers you Dedicated PHP Apps Developers who work on hourly, weekly and monthly basis on your Custom PHP APP Programming and Development. Silicon Valley has pool of personnel including Expert PHP Application Developers who have worked on countless projects and served clients with best solutions and ongoing web support. Now you can get the benefit of our sound and experienced PHP App Programmers and Web Developers. Partnering with the clients and supporting them with the end to end solutions and PHP Web App Development that make your website more visitors oriented and creative to attract number of visitors on your website. Call us now for free quote!!

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MEAN Stack Development

Web Development technologies are booming at a rapid pace. And why not? Websites have become a crucial part for enhancing the business possibilities. In this arena of Web Development..

PHP/MySQL Development

We at Silicon Valley have the team of Php MySql developers who are expert in Php programming delivering extensive and outperforming solutions that would be helpful to our clients for many years.

.Net Development

Silicon Valley delivers quality ASP.NET web development solutions. We aim to deliver ASP.Net development services that exactly fit to your business requirements.

Enterprise Solution

Silicon Valley is a one of the best ERP Application Software Development Company based in India. Silicon Valley develops unique ERP Application Software according to client’s specific requirement.

iOS Mobile App Development

iOS is the OS that is used in all the apple devices. We are the leading service provider of iOS mobile app development across the globe. The apps developed are with the different languages like objective -C, or swift.

Android Mobile App Development

With the stronger protection and privacy of the user, we develop an android mobile app that is user friendly and also provides extended support to its clients. So, start getting your app ready and give us your feedback.

iPhone App Projects

Monitor your project on your go. Silicon Valley Infomedia Pvt Ltd is the most recommended and trusted company that
has developed numerous projects in the world of iPhone and ios technology world.

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android App Projects

For building a better tomorrow we are at your service for developing the best as well as the reliable android application that is
most demanded in this fast-moving life and the generations of all age groups.

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