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Shop Drawing Services Petaling Jaya

Silicon Valley is the most driving organization in Petaling Jaya. It is staffed with the master and experienced group of designer, detailers and architects who endeavor to give Shop Drawing Services that can carry on as a fundamental part of each building development venture. The way we give point by point shop drawings that comprise of some essential data about measures and plans of pre-manufactured parts to temporary workers, land designers furthermore give straightforwardness to get most extreme advantages from their business. At the advancement stage itself Shop Drawings can give the decision on the execution of the building even before the development will commence. With the utilization of the information embedded in the shop drawing draftsmen and developers embrace the best development procedure keeping in mind the end goal to get attractive yields.

Silicon Valley is all around perceived in the development business for securely conveying greatness shop drawing ventures inside of the stipulated time span. We provide following kind of Shop Drawing Services :

  • Fabrication Drawings.
  • Steel Fabrication Drawings.
  • Building Components Shop Drawings.
  • Rebar Detailing Services.
  • Steel Detailing Services.
  • HVAC Shop Drawings.
  • Mechanical Pipe Shop Drawings.

Rebar Detailing Petaling Jaya

In Construction Industry, Rebar is an essential gadget which holds re3inforced concrete and reinforced masonry structures in pressure. Rebar detailing is the technique to change over an structural building design into itemized set of development drawings. Rebar Detailing demonstrates the exact arrangement of the reinforcing steel bars, the parts required to bolster bars amid development, the manufacture of those bars and the development cycle. Our experts of steel detailers and rebar detailers directed by experienced Structural Engineers works with solidarity and conveys an extensive variety of rebar specifying necessities required by customers from assorted industry areas.

Silicon Valley's experts helps clients as follows :

  • Creates Accurate Drawings with Bar Bending Schedule and avoids wastage of steel resulting in savings for the contractors.
  • Optimizes Bar stock lengths.
  • Speeds up the time taken for Reinforcement placement due to accurate identification of the reinforcement bars.
  • Avoids unnecessary site delays due to errors & inaccuracies.
Steel construction detailing Petaling Jaya, Structural steel detailing Petaling Jaya, Tekla xsteel detailing Petaling Jaya, Structural engineering services Petaling Jaya, Rebar steel detailing Petaling Jaya, Revit 3D model Petaling Jaya, CAD steel detailing Petaling Jaya, Tekla precast concrete detailing Petaling Jaya, Structural steel detailing Petaling Jaya, 3d Tekla modeling Petaling Jaya, Tekla 3D model Petaling Jaya, Rebar drawing service Petaling Jaya, Rebar steel detailing Petaling Jaya, Building Information model Petaling Jaya,

Steel Fabrication Drawings Petaling Jaya

Trained team of Silicon Valley 's of project directors, architecture and structural engineers, CAD drafter in different fields of basic designing are committed to give quality structural shop drawing and detail fabrication drawing, fabrication CAD drawings, steel fabrication drawings, Fabrication drafting to different organizations and establishments in Petaling Jaya. Silicon Valley is inconceivable experienced group in the configuration, detailing and drafting of different steel structures, for example, business structures, schools, hospitals, other city and government structures and also numerous structurally designed residential projects.

Our domestic and international steel detailing projects include :

  • multi-story office buildings.
  • schools and universities.
  • stadiums.
  • airports.
  • hospitals.
  • Churches.
CAD Fabrication Petaling Jaya, structural procurement Petaling Jaya, fabrication shop Petaling Jaya, industrial buildings and structures Petaling Jaya, structural component fabrication services Petaling Jaya, Design of building structures Petaling Jaya, Structural and pipe fabrication Petaling Jaya, Fabrication shop services Petaling Jaya, Detailed fabrication and structural process Petaling Jaya, Fabrication and structural details Petaling Jaya,

Warehouse Service Petaling Jaya

Our team Silicon Valley has the good abilities to produce Warehouse steel fabrication drawings in Petaling Jaya. Warehouse structure requires an environment that serves the purpose of goods and material storage and it requires sound design that covers types of loads such as storage of materials, necessary handling equipments, loading and unloading functions, related vehicular activities along with other environmental loads. Our team includes highly skilled engineers to guide our CAD technicians and executes designs for fabricated steel structure.

Our offerings in Steel Fabrication Services are as follows :

  • Steel FabricationDetailing.
  • Roof Framing Plans.
  • 2D Drafting and 3D modeling.
  • Technical specifications.
  • Stairs, Handrail, Girder, Deck roof joist details.
  • Co-ordination Details.
  • Quantity estimation.
Shop Drawing Services for Warehouse Petaling Jaya, Outsource Warehouse Shop Drawings Petaling Jaya, Offshore Warehouse Steel Fabrication Drawings Petaling Jaya, Custom Warehouse Shop Drawings Petaling Jaya, Warehouse Steel Fabrication Consultants Petaling Jaya, Warehouse Steel Fabrication Services Petaling Jaya, Warehouse Building Shop Drawings Petaling Jaya, Warehouse Shop Drawings Designs Petaling Jaya, Warehouse Construction Shop Drawings Petaling Jaya, Shop Drawings Services Petaling Jaya, Steel Fabrication Drawings Petaling Jaya,

Industrial Platform Services Petaling Jaya

Industrial Platform steel fabrication drawings produced at Silicon Valley are up to the mark and become very useful tool for fast retrieval of information about anchor setting plan, structural steel design, connection details and bill of material. We have expert team of steel detailers and other CAD technicians who strive to serve fabricators, structural engineers, erectors and other individuals with sagacious and up to the mark industrial platforms Steel Fabrication Drawings.

Our efficient team is capable to deliver Custom Industrial Platform Services and it will provide information about following details, such as:

  • Industrial Platform Stairs’ size and shape.
  • Handrail spacing and construction.
  • Fixation type and number of columns.
Industrial Platforms Design Customizing Petaling Jaya, Offshore Industrial Platforms Shop Drawing Petaling Jaya, Outsource Industrial Platforms Shop Drawing Petaling Jaya, Custom Industrial Platforms Services Petaling Jaya, Industrial Platforms Shop Drawing Petaling Jaya, Steel Fabrication Design Petaling Jaya, Steel Fabrication Drawings Petaling Jaya, Industrial Platforms Building Industry Petaling Jaya, Industrial Platforms Construction Industry Petaling Jaya, Industrial Platforms Development Services Petaling Jaya,

Commercial Building Industry Petaling Jaya

Commercial Building Industry is moving ahead with technological advancement where sound Commercial Structures are the output. To build an eye catching Commercial Structure many behind the scenes efforts are required. We have handled various types of Commercial Structures but not limited to such as Malls, Warehouses, Theatres, Showrooms, Multistory Parking, Hotels etc. We provide complete solutions for turnkey projects from conception to completion. One of our offerings is Commercial Steel Fabrication Drawings and it consistsPower System analysis for large distribution network, Electrical Engineering Power System analysis for large distribution network, Electrical Distribution design services, Power System analysis for large distribution network services of:

  • Anchor detail Plan.
  • Base plate details with connection between steel column and RCC footing.
  • Erection Drawings.
  • Structural Steel member detail drawings.
  • Bill of materials.
  • Field and Shop Bolt Summary.
  • Steel Truss member connection details.
Commercial Buildings Design Customizing Petaling Jaya, Offshore Commercial Buildings Shop Drawing Petaling Jaya, Outsource Commercial Buildings Shop Drawing Petaling Jaya, Custom Commercial Buildings Services Petaling Jaya, Commercial Buildings Shop Drawing Petaling Jaya, Steel Fabrication Design Petaling Jaya, Steel Fabrication Drawings Petaling Jaya, Commercial Buildings Industry Petaling Jaya, Commercial Buildings Construction Industry Petaling Jaya, Commercial Buildings Development Services Petaling Jaya,

High Rise Structures (Skyscraper) Petaling Jaya

High Rise Structural Steel Fabrication Drawings, Silicon Valley can become your first choice as your project is handled by dedicated and experienced employees with core attention on quality and in conversant with all native and international steel detailing standards. We also offer individual services for high rise structures where our utmost concern is to deliver most functional solutions to your requirements at pocket friendly costs.

Our area of expertise is listed below :

  • Architectural Designing for High Rise Building.
  • Landscape Planning for High Rise Structures.
  • High Rise Building Fire Protection Design and Drawings.
  • Structural Design for High Rise Building.
  • MEP Design and Drawing for High Rise Building.
  • Steel Detailing for High Rise Building.
  • Steel Shop/Fabrication Drawings for High Rise Building.
  • Estimation and Tendering Services.

Structural Steel Stair Handrail Drawings Petaling Jaya

Silicon Valley delivers Structural Steel Stair Handrail Drawings Services with a professional approach in which we have gained expertise. In construction industry Steel stair handrail detailing is one of the core steps to design, detail and to construct where the process needs complete focus of Steel Detailers as many repetitive calculations are to be calculated to get the necessary dimensions. Silicon Valley provides complete outsourcing services in the sphere of Stair Handrail Drawings Services. With the field experience along with excellent employees’ support Silicon Valley is capable enough to serve Stair and Handrail Designing and Detailing Services, some of them are listed below along with:

  • Spiral stair handrail drawings.
  • Winder stair handrail drawings.
  • Helical stair handrail drawings.
  • Doglegged stair handrail drawings.
  • L Shape stair handrail drawings.
  • C Shape stair handrail drawings.
  • Circular stair handrail drawings.
  • Folded stair handrail drawings.
  • Deck stair handrail drawings.

Silicon Valley is the ultimately and sole solution for all your requirements of CAD Services in Petaling Jaya where quality remains first priority no matter what the project size is. The excellence of our work lies in our disciplined and professional work methodology. By outsourcing your requirements of all sorts of shop drawings to Silicon Valley, we ensure you to provide cutting edge solutions to your requirements.

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“Move to What Moves You”. Get your dream project designed by the team of experts and versatile engineers and designers
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Silicon Valley Infomedia Pvt Ltd is “Defined by Service and Expertise”, where complementing the clients is always a wise decision,
as the team shares the commitment and results in providing goal-oriented and values to the clients best interest.

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