ASP.Net Development

Silicon Valley is leading ASP.Net development company in india. Silicon Valley provides complete ASP.Net solutions since 2004. Net Framework, a Microsoft product is a software framework that is installed on computers working on windows operating system. The .Net Framework is a library of ready coding solutions in order to avoid programming problems and a virtual machine that looks after the execution of the programs coded for the framework. The .net framework's base class library has a wide range of features like user interface data, data access, database connectivity, web application development, network communications & numeric algorithms. The .net programmers' use these features while they are working to run their applications by combining it with their code.

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Professional ASP.Net Web Development at Silicon Valley

ASP.Net is a widely used framework that is profoundly used to deliver dynamic websites, web applications and wide array of web services. ASP.Net, being commercialized by Microsoft, has benefits over other scripting languages as it compiles the server side code to one or more DLL files on the web server.

Silicon Valley delivers quality ASP.NET web development solutions. We aim to deliver ASP.Net development services that exactly fit to your business requirements. Our team has rich experience in creating anything from small, personal websites to huge, complex web applications using ASP.NET.

Advantages of .NET Development at Silicon Valley

  • Improved productiveness
  • Option cross-platform migration
  • High-speed of development
  • safety
  • consistency
  • Accessibility to the options of .NET Framework Library
  • Relatively brief studying challenge for developers
  • Easy modifications of programs and protection

C#/Asp.Net Development Services At Silicon Valley Include:

  • Microsoft Windows App Development in .NET
  • development, Support and Improvement of current programs in .NET
  • Porting of Legacy programs to .NET dependent application
  • Web and standalone Applications integration to .NET
  • Re-engineering and Assistance of current programs in .NET

Benefits of .Net framework:

Easier installation of commercial application:

There are many commercial applications in Microsoft and other third party applications that depend on the .NET framework to support their core functionalities. It is easy to install the .Net frame work. The following applications depend on .Net application:

  • Microsoft Encarta 2005
  • Microsoft Windows Live OneCare
  • Intuit QuickBooks
  • HP Image Zone
  • Streamload
  • PayPal
  • Grouper

Benefits of .Net framework:

1. It is a consistent programming model :
There are a variety of different languages for programming to perform one task and all of them work in their individual ways. .Net has is own unique way to accomplished the task by using the .Net class library which is the main component of framework. The features of the .Net library provides remains the same with the all the .Net languages. This marks its feature of making it a consistent programming tool.

2. Easier to update :
After installing the .Net Framework, updates get installed automatically by the Microsoft update service. Automatic updates from your control panel for any versions of .Net framework will get updated to your computer which does not require you to work at all.

Easy Development :
.Net applications are easy to install and set up. .Net framework handles the details of finding and loading the components that are needed in an application, despite of several versions of the same application exist on the same computer.

Why .Net Technology?

  • Good Language support
  • Interoperable Framework.
  • Provides the developers with the common runtime
  • .Net is an independent language
  • .Net framework provides the common security model for all the applications.

.Net Development Services At Silicon Valley :

Silicon Valley has a team of .Net developers skilled in .net development services. Our .net developers dedicated work on the various web applications development using the .Net framework. Our dedicated team has an experience of developing many projects in .Net framework serving various clients across the globe in countries like USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, France and other European countries.

The Microsoft .Net Web services strategy is arranged by us to connect people and devices through software in the IT world. Integrated across the Microsoft platform, .Net technology enables our developers to quickly build, and connected security-enhanced solutions with Web Services. Our expertise on the framework has made us one of the leading companies offering .Net application development services in India. Our team consists of ASP.NET 2.0 proficient developers and programmers.

Silicon Valley .Net application development services enable businesses to integrate their systems more rapidly and in a more responsive manner and help them in getting secured information on any device. Utilization of helps our development team in delivering real world web applications in a scheduled time frame. An ASP.Net server control enables an HTML-like style of declarative programming that let us develop great pages with comparative ease. ASP.Net facilitates in displaying data, validating user input, and uploading files. We deploy .aspx pages in our web based applications as they are browser friendly and can easily be viewed on Netscape, Opera, AOL, and Internet Explorer. ASP.Net supports more than 25 .NET languages such as and C# which gives us unparalleled flexibility in our choice of programming language.

Designing Projects

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