Multimedia Presentation Design
We Design Multimedia Presentation, CD Presenataion, Academic Software, Online Educational Software, Web Design and web hosting of educational software, Home Schooling Software and Commercial Software. In today’s educational era, the price of instructional books and software seems to be getting higher and higher. Many times, certain academic software is required, yet at the prices found in most retail stores, you can hardly afford to buy them!
Website Design India
Web site design makes it possible to propose how your information is presented and what is the impression you make on your visitors. Things such as colors working well together, general layout & use of space, easy navigation, the page being sized appropriately for different screen resolutions and good integration make your site effective or ineffective. Accordingly, it attracts
Mobile UI Design
If you are bored of your old mobile interface, we can create a new one for you. We can customize Mobile Theme and Mobile icons design to provide a new look to your mobile interface. We are well experienced in UI and UX designs. We are capable of creating user friendly and easy to navigate mobile UI designs. We can also add newness to your existing designs. You would love our mobile themes and icon designs.
HTML5 Development
HTML5 would revolutionize the world in the next few years. HTML5 is the hottest platform and we have huge expertise with that. We can create rich application developments using HTML5. We can provide easy navigation and help you attract visitors to your website. We are far ahead in HTML5 development. We have a skilled and expert team to meet the increasing requirements for HTML5 services.
Open Source Theme Design
Silicon Valley offers wide range of Open Source Theme design from Joomla to Open Source web portal development services. Silicon Valley offers one stop solutions for all kind of web development services and website designing services. In Open Source Theme design, we cater open source template designs, open source theme designs, CMS Theme design, and Customization Open Source theme design needs of our client.
PSD to HTML Design
Silicon Valley specializes in converting PSD to HTML that make web page more seo friendly and w3 validation tested ultimately lead to higher page rank using less content on web page. Silicon Valley has served countless clients with its web design and development offerings. We at Silicon Valley have designed web templates and converted that web templates into HTML Programming with help...
Mockup Design
Silicon Valley is a professional web development company which offers services for mock up web designs for the complex websites like job board portals and social networking websites. Job Boards and Social Networking Portals are enriching with complex functionalities and features that all are important in consideration when we develop such a complex website for our clients...
We are here to help academic software needs of students, schools and other educational institutions. At Silicon Valley, we provide self tutor type home schooling software as per school curriculum. Whether for the classroom, profession, or for future reference materials, we have the software you are looking for. Our academic software and adult education software keeps you up to date on the latest trends and technological advancements in your field.
Best of all, we offer education software at low cost for home schooling software as per school curriculum and adult education software. We have developed following series of Self Tutor type Multimedia Educational Software
Our Multimedia's Titles are:
- English Grammar
- Spoken English
- Learn Gujarati
- Learn Hindi
- Multi Media Dictionary for Kids,
- Nursery Blaster
- Multi Language Dictionary
- Curriculum Based CDs for Gujarat State Syllabus from 1st to 10th Std
Specialties of The Software
Each Topic presented with Eye Catching Pictures, Audio-Visual Animations, Graphics and Teachers Voice- over with Study Tips and Exercise
Our CD are specially Designed to encourage independent learning skills with cross referencing and self evaluation.
Student will love learning each topic as it covered with Games, Music, Eye Catching Pictures, Audio-Visual Animations, Amazing facts and Teachers Voice over.
Akron, Alabama, Alaska, Albany, Albuquerque , America, Anaheim, Anchorage, Arizona, Arkansas, Arlington, Atlanta, Aurora, Austin, Bakersfield, Baltimore, Baton Rouge, Bloomington, Boise, Boston, Buffalo, Calgary, California, Canada, Chandler, Charlotte, Chesapeake, Chicago, Chula Vista, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Colorado, Colorado Springs, Columbus, Connecticut, Corpus Christi,Dallas, DC, Delaware, Denver,Detroit, Detroit Metro, Durham, Edmonton, El Paso,Florida, Fort Wayne, Fort Worth, Fresno, Fresno Madera, Georgia, Germany, Garland, , Glendale, Greensboro, Guam, Halifax, Hampton Roads, Hartford, Hawaii, Henderson, Hialeah, Honolulu, Houston, Huntington, Idaho, India , Illinois, Indiana, Indianapolis, Iowa, Jacksonville, Jersey City, Kansas City,Kentucky, Laredo, Las Vegas, Lexington Fayette, Lincoln, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Scotland, Louisiana, Louisville, Lubbock, Madison, Maine, Maryland, Memphis, Mesa, Miami, Michigan, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Modesto, Montana, Montgomery, Montreal, Nashville, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New Orleans, New York, New York City, Newark, Norfolk, North Carolina, North Dakota, North Hampshire, North Hempstead, Oakland, Ohio, Oklahoma City, Omaha, Orange County, Oregon, Orlando, Ottawa, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburgh,Plano, Portland, Puerto Rico, Raleigh, Raleigh-Durham, Reno, Rhode Island, Richmond, Riverside, Rochester, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, San Bernardino, San Francisco, San Diego, San Jose, Santa Ana,Saskatoon, Seattle, Seattle Tacoma, SF Bay Area, South Carolina, South Dakota, South Florida, St Louis, St Paul, St Petersburg, Stockton, Tampa, Tampa Bay Area,Tennessee,Texas, Toledo, Toronto, Tucson, Tulsa, United States, Utah, USA, UK, Vancouver, Vermont, Victoria, Virginia Beach,Washington, West Virginia, Wichita, Winnipeg, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Abu Dhabi, Adelaide, Ahmedabad, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Argentina, Athens, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangalore, Barcelona, Barquisimeto, Barranquilla, Beijing, Belem, Belgium, Belo Horizonte, Berlin, Birmingham, Bochum, Bogota, Bolivia, Bologna, Bradford,Brasilia, Brazil, Brisbane, Bristol, Brussels, Bucharest, Budapest, Buenos Aires, Anchorage Mat Su