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Design Development Services | BIM Design Development | Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is the leading and the most prominent service provider of Design Development Services across the globe. We have the team of one of the experienced and well-trained engineers who are having their forte in presenting the most relatable BIM design development services that gives life to the schematic drawings of a building. The team of engineers at Silicon Valley is working in all the major domains of architectural, structural, steel, MEP, and facade drawings and services. This is the base service that is being delivered to the builders, designers, design consultants with the assistance of the experts during the complete design development phase of the construction projects.

What we do?

Our team of architects, engineers here work on with the free hand sketches / schematic drawings of the buildings are being received as by our clients as a input files. These designs and drawings will be at the later stage be revised and that too with the details that are more specified, along with the creation and developing of a effective 3D BIM model.

All these drawings and models that are developed is completely customer-oriented and focus-oriented. The core focus is understand and analyze the need and requirements of the clients and that is e\related to different parts of the structure of the building. Also, while undertaking this service the team shares the details that has the information of selecting the materials, for interior and exterior finishes and products like windows, doors, panels, fixtures, and many other such details that are required in BIM services. These set of drawings are working parallel to the phase of architectural design development, and along with it our team of structural & MEP engineers will work on the structure, plumbing, electrical, HVAC systems.

We and our team of engineers are working as an extension of team of designers and drafters to help them in the selecting the product and with that also to facilitate the progress of the systems designs very easily and smoothly. We and our team has worked all day and night on the projects till the time the designs of the buildings and its systems are being finalized.

The most accurate and coordinated sets of drawings of architectural, structural, MEP, fire protection, HVAC systems is getting prepared only by undertaking service of construction documents or construction documentations.

Our Services

Now let us proceed further and have a look at some of the services that are being offered by us. Below mentioned is the list for the same.

  • Architectural Design Development
  • Structural Design Development
  • MEP Design Development
  • Rebar/Precast Design development
  • Facade Design Development

Deliverable of our work and services.

We have 12+ years of experience and with this said here is the list of some of the service that we deliver work.

  • 3D Design development models
  • Construction Documentation set
  • Final materials specifications
  • Typical construction details
  • Plans, sections and elevations with full dimensions

Use of software and Expertize in software

  • Autodesk Revit suite
  • AutoCAD
  • Navisworks
  • Tekla Structures
  • AutoCAD Architecture
  • Graphisoft ArchiCAD

To know more about the services and to outsource your design development services contact with us today.

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“Move to What Moves You”. Get your dream project designed by the team of experts and versatile engineers and designers
who are available at one place and that is a Silicon Valley Infomedia Pvt Ltd.

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Silicon Valley Infomedia Pvt Ltd is “Defined by Service and Expertise”, where complementing the clients is always a wise decision,
as the team shares the commitment and results in providing goal-oriented and values to the clients best interest.

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