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Structural Construction Documentation Services | Outsource Structural Services | Silicon Valley

Structural drawing is the type of engineering drawings that shares the complete details of the building as to how the same structure will be built and constructed. Structural construction documentations is the set of plans and details that is created and prepared by the registered team of professional engineers, based on the information that are shared by architectural construction drawings. The first and the primary concern of the structural drawings / structural construction documentation is to share the information of load-carrying members of a struture.

We at Silicon Valley have the team of well-trained and experienced structural engineers who firstly create the outline that has the information of the size and the types of the materials that are used as well as being demanded for the connections. Here the documents that is being submitted not at all addresses details like finishes of the surface, walls partition,as well as mechanical systems.It is the sole responsibility of the structural engineer to communicate the design of the building structure to the building authorities so as to have a detailed review on it. So, that if at all there is any changes or suggestions required, the same is communicated with the stipulated time so as to save time and energy when the construction takes place.

It is not all wrong in saying that these set of structural drawings or structural construction documentations does includes the proper data of proposed buildings' contract documents, that guides the cotractors with the information of detailing, fabricating, and installing parts of the structure.

With this said proceeding further, below mentioned is different subsets of the strutural drawings set and the list for the same is as mentioned below. Thus, let us assist you in drilling down about these subsets in details.

General Notes

General notes are one of the core parts of the strutural drawings and construction documentations. This notes are having the information that covers the codes used in the design and also have the by-laws of the building that is getting constructed. In other words, we can say that these sets of drawings typically does not gave any details. It is that the structural notes that are provided in the form of the information has the details of general requirements of the material. Such notes of material requirements are steel, wood grade, concrete strength, etc. Also, in this construction materials that are required are soil compaction, weld procedures, etc. All the set of structural notes provide information about the criteria of the design that includes gravity, seismic, and wind loading.

Structural Plan

The structural plan drawings shares the information that are very much related to the part of the building. These set of data show the foundation, floor, and roof plan. These plans shares the information like the location, size, and geometrical elements that presents the respective plans and details of the projects.


It is the part in which the exterior walls of the buildings and structures are shown. In the entire elevation drawings we share the information that is related to the height of the buildings. Also, when it comes to deciding the properties of the elements the walls and the structures are not been seen in the plan drawings.

To know more about the service or to outsource your structural construction documents services contact us today.

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