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Transportation / Library / Hostel Management

These modules are very important for every Schools / Colleges / Universities, Genius Education management provides better user interface and unique vehicle tracking system. Admin can Add different transport vehicles with all the driver details like Name, Vehicle no, License no, Driver's phone no.

It can Assign and Manage different Routes to different Drivers with mentioned Vehicle no. This module will give detailed analyses about Vehicle tracking and Transport Allocation. The system generally uses multiple features to inform the user about the exact vehicle location at any given point of time. Different Time-tables are developed to plan the efficient routes to Pick and drop the students on time. The system can be developed according to the students size. Covering long distance gives more effective results, as we use transportation system in the real time environment

As educational institutes are increasing day by day, accommodation for students is very necessary. Thus, Hostel Management is developed for managing various activities in the hostel. Hostel management system can be used where there is complex number of students and there is a need of proper alignment of all the task and track records. The module is very user friendly and have easy to use interface

Library Management system is specially developed for the librarian of the institutes, where they can Add new books, with Title, Author and Section code. They can Update the records for the Books Issued and Books Returned through single user platform, also they can view the availability of the Books through this system. The Librarian can view the total Books issued and Books returned daily, weekly and monthly basis.

KEY FEATURES OF Transportation / Library / Hostel

It will display the list of vehicles and vehicle number,maximum seat allocation,insurance renewal date and driver's contact number and details.

Vehicle : Teachers / Admin can view the type of vehicle assigned to the students with proper Vehicle number, Contact person, and Insurance renewal date, also they can see all the details of the vehicle which will help them to contact the driver or the institute in case of any emergency.

Driver details : Admin can add new recruited school drivers, the Genius Education management will provide separate form to fill the details of the driver which will include things like : Driver's name, vehicle number, Permanent Address, Date of Birth, Phone number and License number.

Admin, Students and parents can track the transportation vehicle through Genius vehicle tracking system, parents can view the live location of the transportation vehicle by real time Genius GPS system. Also they will get push notification if there is any change in the daily route.

Parents can see the route that will be pre-defined, so that if there will be any change in the route of Vehicle it will automatically send the push notification to the parents about the Route update. Similarly, students can check his/her daily bus routine from start to stop place, there will be notification from the admin institute if there will be any change in the daily bus route.

Create and Manage pick up and Drop schedule of the students, Admin can add, change and view the number of destination from pick up point to the drop point. Similarly, Students and parents can view the number of destination from pick up point to the drop point.

Admin can handle and manage all the fee related institutional activities, he/she can add the type of fee payment, with different mode of payment like cash, Cheque or visa cards, the system will give you customized annual fees structure with detailed specification for fees payment.

It will provide the allocation of institute's transport vehicles. Admin can assign the different transportation vehicles according to the student's address and destination to pick and drop the students accordingly. The route and destination will show the vehicle allocation of the different groups of students living in the same area or in the nearby locations. This feature will help the admin in allocating the transportation efficiently.

Admin can add, manage and handle the list of all the books, its categories and total number of available books in the library. Teachers and student can view all the books available and can issue the books with specific return date.

It helps in Managing book issue and return process seamlessly for teachers and students. In Library management the admin can view all the Books issued with book issue and over due date. Similarly they can view the Book return list, they can find the total number of books returned in the past as well as the current issued books that are to be returned with their mentioned due dates to return.

Create, handle, and maintain Hostel Details with its facilities, live updates about students and other management facilities. Admin can view all the hostel accommodations and also can check the details of the hostel through Hostel Details. It will also show the resources that can be managed through the system and mobile app which make it more efficient and powerful. With the help of Genius Education management they can regularly check the routine Hostel canteen menu from the system and mobile app.

Genius Education management provides the unique feature of managing the canteen of the Institute's hostel, the admin can handle the canteen menu and caterer's details. Which will help the admin in analysing the daily canteen food menu.

Similarly, Students can see the routine Hostel canteen menu from the system and mobile app. Parents can also see hostel details from their access by checking everyday Canteen menu and other details. It provides features to update food menu, maintain coupon records and deliver regular updates to students and staff.

Benefits of Transportation / Library / Hostel Management

  • Simple and Quick Vehicle allocation with proper defined route and driver details.
  • Real time Vehicle Tracking System.
  • Easy to understand Annual Fees Structure with efficient payment modes.
  • Accurate results from different Books and their Category.
  • Monitoring Books Issue and Books Returns simultaneously.
  • Manage and Handle all the Hostel activities on single platform.
  • Students and Hostel staff can supervise Hostel Canteen food menu regularly.
  • Predefined allocation of transport vehicles through managing their time and destinations.
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