Looking to have a real-time computer system that can provide the processing of the data? Well, then here is the answer to it. The system is none other than Apache Storm. It is an open-source data that provide this feature. It is very much similar to what Hadoop does in batch processing. This is the language that streams the data more reliably and comfortably for the unbounded streams.
Below are some of the pointers that can assist in knowing about this programming language in detail. In the IT fields, you will be finding a lot of competition related to providing Apache Storm programing language. We at silicon inform provide you with the information that needs to be known related to it.
Moving further, the Storm was developed by Nathan Marz as a back type project. This was then later acquired by Twitter in the year 2011. Later in 2013, the language was made public by putting or updating it into the GitHub. Post in the same year, the programming language got an opportunity to get entrance into the Apache Software Foundation which was considered to be an incubator project. Here it was with regards to delivering high-end applications. Post that yes it would not be wrong in saying that the language made sure that they are used to fulfill the requirements of Big Data Analytics.
In Apache Storm, the experts have cleared that this is similar to Hadoop. This is because it provides real-time processing of the data. There was a time where the topic of real-time processing data was a concern, but that to Apache storm that made it easy and we were able to receive the needed information and also fasten up the traditional processes.
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Well, with this said, as we know what is the language all about, you can connect with us and complete your work related to this. We at Silicon Info are at your service to get the best outcome of your project and that too with long-term durability and business terms.