BIM Coordination Services

Silicon Valley renders the following Shop Drawings

Steel Shop Drawing is a technique of decoding the designs into effective Structural Fabrication Drawings. Accurate Detailing withstands precise mathematical approach, logical analysis, and practical interpretation.

  • Steel Shop drawings
  • Staircase Detailing and rail Drawings
  • Sheet Metal Shop drawings
  • Steel Trusses Detailed Drawing
  • Miscellaneous Drawings
  • Millwork Shop Drawings
  • Steel Fabrication Drawing
  • Erection and GA layouts
  • Cabinets Shop Drawing

Professional Designing & Detailing Services

Significance Of Structural Steel Shop Drawing in your Upcoming Project :

Shop Drawing Service is the spinal cord of the fabrication industry. It is an illustrated version of BIM Infrastructure. These drawings are generally upgraded by engineers, constructors, fabricators, and manufacturers. A roadmap is designed for every small part of the construction. Steel Fabrication Shop Drawing created makes the production process much simpler and more accessible. It also helps in getting architectonic authorizations profitability in terms of increased ROI and the advantage of adding quality investors. Accuracy in fabrication conserves the overall cost, duration of deliverance, and redrafting. Our Shop Drawing Services Set includes

Significance Of Structural Steel Shop Drawing
Across The Globe
Web Experience
CAD Experience
Mobile Experience

What does Silicon Valley offer you?

We offer the following diverse Steel Shop Drawing Services to our clients :

Steel Shop Drawing Services to our clients

Step-by-Step Process of preparing Steel Shop Drawings


The foremost step of Steel Shop Drawing is analyzing. However, designing is a crucial step that takes the entire project to another level. The drawings usually scrutinize the embodied model's size, shape, location, and measurements.

Maintenance & Support


Available software is automated by different software for the 3D interface. It helps the detailers have precise structural Detailing and documentation for substantial construction projects, enabling the production of constructive and qualitative information and model for the client.

Development Experience


The final stage coveys the detailed version of the Steel Shop Drawing. The final errors are detected and effectively eliminated, lowering the overall installation costs and reworking.

Benefits of Steel Shop Drawing Services

  • Steel Shop Drawing Services demonstrates a detailed profile of the design required during the preparation of steel buildings while adjoining the various steel members.
  • It authorizes efficient analysis of Steel components and their positioning while rendering numerous large projects. The pats are marked, labelled, manufactured, and carried to the site for final assemblance.
  • Steel Detailing Services cut short the construction cost of the overall project by allocating the resources efficiently and augmenting the time and wasting material.

Silicon Valley follows a practical approach to delivering hi-tech Steel Shop Drawing Services.

Effective results driven by Silicon Valley for your upcoming project!

Silicon Valley is an extensive Steel Fabrication Company with more than a decade of background in functioning with AEC, Commercial and Industrial Sectors. The company assures to render persuasive Structural Detailing and Steel Fabrication Drawings with proven quality products and services. The company aims to add importance and build cordial relations with the business. We have well-versed Structural BIM architectural and engineering designers who execute the fabrication process accurately. Get Accurate Steel Fabrication Shop Designs and Drawings by certified fabricators. The usefulness of outsourcing Structural Steel Shop Drawings with SIlicon Valley;

  • Efficient and User-Friendly
  • Gain precise measurements, details, and proportions
  • Reliable project administrators to help 24x7.
  • Yielding on time output.
  • Utilization of International Codes & standards with nil costing and reworking.
  • Excellently qualified professional drafters and CAD detailers.

Put your Request Forward!

To fulfill your requirements more effectively and quickly, share your needs with our choirs, and we'll be at your service all-round the corner. So we welcome you to the grounds of Silicon Valley and collaborate with us as our prestigious clients.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • What are Steel Shop Drawings?

    Steel Shop Drawings is an essential service rendered by the constructors of Silicon Valley. Steel Shop Drawing is a critical construction process handled by the expert draftsperson. Steel Shop Drawing efficiently describes the components operated while assemblance and fabrication.

  • Steel Shop Drawings serve the following purposes

  • The detailers face various challenges while working for Steel Shop Drawings. Some of the challenges faced are ;

  • A Steel Detailer is a responsible person for all the detailing work. A Steel Fabricator prepares a detailed planning structure and drawings, heeding the construction documentation. Detailed columns, beams, bars, railings, and other steel members are ready for the project's construction. They have the opportunity to work closely with the architects, constructors, and fabricators for detailed structurization of the building structure.

Let’s discuss
your outsourcing requirements

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331-332, Patel Avenue Nr.Gurudwara, S G Road, Thaltej, Ahmedabad - 380059, Gujarat, INDIA.
+91-79-4847 3326 / +91-79-2685 2558

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Abbotsford, Abha, Abidjan, Abu Dhabi, Abuja, Accra, Addis Ababa, Adelaide, Africa, Ahmedabad, Ahvaz, Ajman, Al Ain, Al Jahra, Al Rayyan, Alabama, Alaska, Albania, Albany, Albury, Alexandria, Algeria, Algiers, Alice Springs, Baghdad, Bahamas, Bahia Blanca, Bahrain, Balikpapan, Ballarat, Bandar Lampung, Bandung, Bangkok, Bangladesh, Barbados, Bariloche, Barisal, Barrie, Basra, Batam, Bathurst, Beijing, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bendigo, Bengaluru, Benin, Benin City, Berlin, Bermuda, Cabo Verde, Cairns, Cairo, Calgary, California, Caloocan, Cambodia, Cambridge, Canada, Canberra, Cape Town, Cardiff, Caribbean Netherlands, Casablanca, Cayman Islands, Central African, Chad, Chandigarh, Changchun, Changsha, Changwon, Changzhou, Charleroi, Chengdu, Chennai, Chiang Mai, Chiba, Chile, Chillan, China, Daegu, Daejeon, Dakar, Dalian, Dammam, Dar es Salaam, Dargaville, Darwin, Davao, Delaware, Denmark, Devonport, Ecuador, Ede, Edinburgh, Edmonton, Egypt, El Alto, El Salvador, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Finland, Florida, Formosa, Foshan, Gabon, Gaborone, Gambia, Gatineau, Geelong, George Town, Georgia, Georgia, Geraldton, Germany, Ghana, Ghana, Ghent, Gibraltar, Gisborne, Gladstone, Glasgow, Gold Coast, Goyang, Haikou, Haiti, Hakodate, Halifax, Hamad Town, Hamamatsu, Hamburg, Hamilton, Hamilton CA, Hangzhou, Harare, Harbin, Hastings, Iceland, Idaho, Illinois, Incheon, India, Indiana, Indonesia, Invercargill, Iowa, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Jamaica, Japan, Jeddah, Kagoshima, Kajang, Kalgoorlie, Kampala, Kanazawa, Kano, Kansas, Karaj, Karbala, Kawasaki, Kawerau, Kazakhstan, Kelowna, Kentucky, Kenya, Kermanshah, Khamis Mushait, Khartoum, Khobar, Kigali, Kikuyu, Kingston, Kingston CA, Kinshasa, Lagos, Laksam Upazila, Lanzhou, Laos, Lapu Lapu, Latvia, Launceston, Lausanne, Lebanon, Lesotho, Leuven, Levin, Liberia, Libreville, Libya, Luxembourg City, La Paz, La Plata, Macau, Macedonia, Mackay, Madagascar, Madurai, Maebashi, Maine, Maitland, Makassar, Malacca City, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malindi, Malta, Manado, Manama, Manchester, Mandurah, Manila, Maputo, Mar del Plata, Markham, Marseille, Marshall Islands, Martinique, Maryland, Mashhad, Massachusetts, Matsumoto, Matsuyama, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mbeya, Mecca, Medan, Medina, Melbourne, Nagasaki, Nagoya, Nairobi, Najaf, Najran, Nakuru, Namibia, Namur, Nanchang, Nanjing, Nanning, Nantes, Napier, Naples, Nara, Narayanganj, Nauru, Nebraska, Nelson, Nepal, Netherlands, Neuquen, Nevada, New Caledonia, Oakville, Oamaru, Ohio, Okayama, Oklahoma, Oman, Oregon, Paeroa, Palau, Palembang, Palestine, Palmerston North, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Paraparaumu, Paris, Pekanbaru, Pennsylvania, Perth, Peru, Petaling Jaya, Philippines, Pietermaritzburg, Qatar, Qatif, Qingdao, Qom, Rabat, Rajshahi, Rancagua, Ras al Khaimah, Regina, Reims, Rennes, Resistencia, Reunion, Rhode Island, Riffa, Sagamihara, Saguenay, Saint Lucia, Sakai, Salmiya, Salta, Samoa, San Juan, San Lorenzo, San Luis, San Marino, San Miguel de Tucuman, San Salvador de Jujuy, Sandakan, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Santa Fe, Santa Rosa, Santiago, Santiago del Estero, Sanya, Sapporo, Saskatoon, Saudi Arabia, Seeb, Semarang, Sendai, Senegal, Seoul, Serbia, Seremban, Seychelles, Shah Alam, Shanghai, Sharjah, Shenyang, Tabriz, Tabuk, Taiwan, Taiyuan, Tajikistan, Takamatsu, Talca, Tamworth, Tandil, Tanzania, Tarija, Tasikmalaya, Tauranga, Tehran, Temuco, Tennessee, Texas, Thailand, Thames, Thiruvananthapuram, Thunder Bay, Tianjin, Tijuana, Timor Leste, Togo, UAE, Uganda, UK, Ukraine, Ulsan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, United States Virgin Islands, Valparaiso, Vancouver, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Venice, Vermont, Wagga Wagga, Waitakere City, Wakayama, Warrnambool, Washington, Wellington, Wenzhou, West Virginia, Western Sahara, Westport, Xiamen, Yantai, Yaounde, Yellowknife, Yemen, Zambia, Zhengzhou, Zhuhai,
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